The Moon
Veils of illusion are lifted, your true nature is revealed. The Moon casts you into the mysterious abyss. This isn't good or bad, this is an opening to break through to your true inner life. You may recognize this experience, or you may not have experienced it before. You are traveling between the inner and outer worlds, flowing and changing minute by minute~ reality changes, your sanity seems to have deserted you. You are left with only your intuition and instincts to guide you.
This is a time for healing, and you are ready to take responsibility for getting well, no matter what it takes. This may be physical, mental or emotional, and more than likely, it's also Karmic. Temperance challenges you to phase in positive changes in lifestyle and outlook, while letting go of negative behaviors and ways of thinking. The process will flush out the noxious residue of disappointment and failure that is crippling you. Physician, heal thyself~ you are capable of discerning the right medicine to cure what ails you. This is the time to begin healing.
Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands highlights your optimistic readiness to embark upon an odyssey of discovery. You are mentally and emotionally prepared to go the distance, your excitement and youthful enthusiasm can hardly be contained. You don't know what you'll encounter, but your energy is high, and you have a noble sense of daring~ this trip is about pursuing your ideals. So hit the road while the sun is up!
Blessed Be. )O(