Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Reflections of Shared Values

Several years ago, I was thoroughly immersed in the Craft, teaching Wicca 101 and other metaphysical workshops, managing the Silvering Coven, and ritualizing with the 3d Room Circle.  There was so much magick going on, you'd of thought you were living in a Ren Fair.
In those days, my mind was closed off from other religious forms of growth. Please don't get me wrong.  I was still aware of the same basic tenets contained within all religions and accepted the overall teachings that seemed to resonate with my own spiritual path.  It was just a very focused time for me, a very necessary time. Wicca was my life, my very breath.  I wouldn't hear of including anything even remotely Christian to my Holiday activities.  I made sure the only songs I heard were either the original pagan versions of some of today's most loved Christmas songs or specifically wiccan-themed holiday music.  I refused to say "Merry Christmas" to anyone and opted for the politically correct "Happy Holidays"...or in some pressing instances, "Happy Solstice".  I even spent one holiday season making sure that all the local pastors that liked to chastise and mock the pagan folk were set right about the actual birthdate of Jesus.  I went so far as to make sure that they were unable to "solicit" in any of the local businesses.  Sounds kind of Grinchy of me, huh?  Well...there are times in our lives when the pendulum must sway and stay to one side in order for lessons to take hold.  Spiritual growth sometimes relies on zealous approaches to provide a balanced, positive and realistic awakening.
This year has brought me one such an a wiser, more gentle, peaceful place.  It is a state of knowing, of being, of living in the spirit of this time of year.  Yes, it's Christmas, with its beautiful nativities, angels abounding, Holy Mary with the Child of Promise.  Yes, it's Kwanzaa, with it's celebration of heritage and culture, the 7 principles, community, unity, and faith.  Yes, it's Hanukkah, with it's elaborate Festival of Lights, inspiring rituals, and show of faith and tradition.  And, is the Winter Solstice or Yule, the longest night of the year, the birth of the Light from Darkness, when Winter's icy grip is released from this world and the Earth Mother is nudged to awaken.
In truth, the Spirit of the Season never changes.  We only celebrate it differently.  The heart of Christmas is love, peace, understanding, faith, charity, and joy...the most important being "Love".  For it is through Love that this universe continues to spiral and the promise of Spring becomes a reality.
So, when someone wishes you "Merry Christmas", return this heartfelt greeting with a smile and a "Merry Christmas".  Do the same for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Bodi or any other tradition your neighbor may follow.  And remember, this is the only time of the year your lighted pentagrams won't get a sideways glance.

"There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions". -Bill McKibben, Author & Environmentalist

May the holiday blessings of love and good cheer
Remain with you through the coming year.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

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