Nature is considered to be the Great Teacher. The Ancients taught that the "Creators" placed into the fabric of Creation, a reflection of that which created it. Therefore, the laws of Nature are reflections of Divine Laws or Principles, which operate in a dimension behind and above those of physical Nature. Thus, the Ancients coined the phrase "as above, so below". This means that that which is below, is (in essence) like that which is above.
Studying the Ways of Nature gives us a glimpse of the Divine Ways, and from these we see the returning of the Seasons (reincarnation) and the laws of Cause & Effect (Karma) concerning the use (and misuse) of the Earth's land, air, resources, and living creatures. The ways of Spirit are imprinted upon the Ways of Nature. Understanding Nature, allows one to begin to understand the Creators.
This is my reasoning for the Animal Spirit messages that you've read in my blog. The animals, with their simplistic life-views & survivalist intuition, offer profound wisdom for reaching our truest & oftentimes, ignored potential.
With that, I give you today's message of wisdom from our animal brothers & sisters:
You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today—and play the role that will serve you best.
All Blessing Be. )O(
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