Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spell for a Happy Home

This is a spell I wrote many years ago and still use.  I really like the words of the spell, not to mention the effect.  It's a really great spell to use prior to a party or celebration.
All you will need is a white candle, but feel free to get creative.  I've used a huge 5 wick candle before that I painted a peaceful scene around, or you could use a beautiful crystal bowl filled with water and a floating candle.  It can be very dramatic with glitter sprinkled in the water.  Whatever you use, make sure it's something that really speaks to you.
Hold the candle to your heart, as you recite the incantation.  This transfers energy from your heart center to the candle to charge it.

Holy light to cast out ill
With love and peace this home now fill
Bring all friends together with love
And spiritual blessings from above

That's it!  Now light your candle and let the magick begin!

All Blessings Be.  )O(

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