Light a white candle to signify the presence of Spirit and place it on a table in a dimly lit room. In front of the candle, place a mirror. Make sure the mirror is big enough that you see your whole face reflected. As you read the incantation below, pause and think about what the words are saying. Look at your reflection. Can you see the pain, the hurt, the isolation that this silly emotional response has created? Now feel a total release from this bond of guilt, experience the relief, let out a big sigh and smile.
When you have finished with your cleansing, extinguish the candle and return to your normal tasks. Don't entertain any thought of it from this moment on.
Filled with guilt but serves me nought
The heart aches what hands have wrought
The deed is done with great remorse
But hearts erred not from the original source
So with love and joy now be replaced
And let old patterns be erased
From soul and mind, from heart and spleen
Be washed. Be Free. Be clean. Be clean.
Purified of all my past, only love within me last.
Note: The last line, "Purified of all..." can be used whenever you feel a need to clear any emotional baggage. Simply chant the whole last line over and over, until you feel released.
All Blessings Be. )O(
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