Tuesday, September 27, 2011


My best friend, Leandra, saw a dragonfly the other day while in the McDonald's drive-thru and no where near water. I saw one as well in a neighbor's garden...again, no where near water. Obviously, our friend, Dragonfly needs to get a message to us, so here then is how to apply Dragonfly's medicine to your life.

Their lightness of body and gauzy wings teaches us to allow our inner light to shine forth. Are you seeing areas of your life that need changing? Trust that a new perspective will come soon with dragonfly's help. Dragonflies were often thought to be faeries. As a matter of fact, in the early stages they are known as Nymphs and spend most of their lives in the water. In this aspect, Dragonfly teaches us how to combine emotion with rational thought. They are also voracious predators which indicates that Dragonfly can help one to eat away at anything in our lives that is out of control. This positive and transformative medicine is especially helpful for addictions of all sorts including the more "well known" addictions such as overeating, drinking to excess or drug addictions. No matter what needs changing in your life, Dragonfly energy will help you come to swift conclusions or new insights that propel you into new ways of being and doing. Above all, the message that Dragonfly brings to us is one of seeing through illusions and really hearing the messages that the Universe is sending you at this time. Get ready for the magick of transformation!

All Blessings Be. )O(

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Awakening the Witch by Cian Brown

My book's out!  Woo-Hoo!  Here's the press release my publisher sent out...

Dear friend of Cian Brown,
PublishAmerica is proud to announce the recent release of Cian Brown's new book: Awakening the Witch!
Here's what the author says about the book: Awakening the Witch is filled with the secrets that were, until now, only taught to chosen students...techniques not seen in any other book. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing for some time, you will be using Awakening the Witch for many years to come. Get back to the heart of magick, a marriage of science and art. With simple how-to's, first-hand stories, spells, rituals, and creative exercises, you too will awaken the Witch within you.- Easy-to-follow instructions for circle-casting, calling the powers, creating spells that work and more - How to make and use the tools of Witchcraft: Wand, Athame, Chalice and Pentacle - Understand how to do rituals, including the powerful rite of self-initiation - Learn the true meaning of the Wiccan Rede - Make a Magick Mirror and learn to interpret omens
We are offering you an opportunity to secure your personal copy of Cian Brown’s exceptional book today.  Please click here: http://www.publishamerica.net/product44555.html to secure your copy of the book*, then click Add to Cart. For an introductory discount of 20%, use this coupon code: Discount20.

Thank you for your interest in our author's wonderful achievement.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Friday, September 16, 2011

Book Update

Exciting news, folks!  I just received the proofs for my soon-to-be-released book, Awakening the Witch.  It goes to print 9/20, but I'm not sure of the release date yet.  I'll be sure to let everyone know when it's available.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sign of the Witch

Yes...it's another excerpt from my soon-to-be-released book...

    This is an article I wrote for a local newspaper in response to another article regarding our sacred symbol, the Pentacle.  I wanted to include it here, as you will no doubt encounter these very same prejudices that have been around for centuries.  I hope that you will be able to use some of the information to curb the fears of those people in your life that simply don't understand your path.
    The Pentacle, a five-pointed star or pentagram contained within a circle, is one of the oldest geometric symbols known to humankind.  It has a very rich history in the spiritual and magickal customs of many cultures and is a diagram of all existence, encompassing both Creatrix and creation.
    The pentagram related to the size and shape of the world and gave insights into other worlds and the universe beyond.  The lengths of its various lines gave the basic pitch and tone for all music, and the basic ideal lengths and proportions of all classical architecture.
    The Pentagram and Pentacle were used as a salutation to the Goddess in her Astarte aspect as Empress of the Sea and was once customarily tattooed on a sailor's "mound of Venus" between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.  In ancient Egypt, it represented the great underground womb of Mother Earth.  Ancient Babylonians used the Pentacle as an amulet of protection and healing.  In Judeo-Christian traditions, it is the first of the seven seals representing the secret name of God and was worn as a signet ring by Solomon as a sign of his power to work magick.  Pythagorean mystics revered the pentagram which they called "Pentalpha" because it consisted of five interlaced Alphas or A's, the first letter of the Greek alphabet representing birth and beginnings.  In ancient Greece, it was the symbol of Kore or Persephone, the maiden goddess of Spring who brought warmth and growth to the Earth.  The apple has always been associated with goddess worship, and when cut cross-wise contains a pentagram made up of five seeds in its core.  The Gypsy call this seed-pentagram the "Star of Knowledge."  When Catholicism encountered the Pentacle in Old Europe, it adopted the symbol to represent the five wounds of Christ.
    In its most basic metaphysical meaning, the pentagram represents the elements that make up the universe.  The top point of the star stands for the fifth element, that of Spirit.  Spirit meaning the pure essence, the central beginning point of all things.  From there, reading clockwise, we have Water, Fire, Earth and Air.  In Leonardo da Vinci's famous illustration of Microcosmic Man, we have a physically pleasing and proportional figure suspended within the pentagram and surrounded by a circle which unifies all.  Here we find a representation of "humankind made perfect", incorporating the concepts of all the elements in balance within the body and soul.
    How does all this relate to Wicca/Witchcraft?  Well, Witches accept most, if not all these views of the Pentacle.  The Pentacle is central to Wicca and Paganism as a very sacred symbol.  Some believe it to represent the four elements of life controlled by spirit, with the center representing divine energy which exists in all of us.
    The inverted Pentacle with two of the points uppermost is a representation of the Horned God, a pagan god of fertility and hunting and consort to the Goddess, much like the Greek Pan.  It may also represent spirit controlled by matter (the four elements of life).  For those Witches following traditions with a degree system, the inverted Pentacle is often used as a sign of the second degree.  As you can see, the Pentacle not only has multiple symbolic references to the relationship between spirit and matter, but it also represents the creative movement of the universe and the central rhythm of all life.
    Madame Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, thought the reversed pentagram the symbol of the age of violence and darkness we now live in.  I believe this to be where much of the misconceptions began.  The Pentacle is in no way exclusively related to Satanism or Christianity, for that matter.  Satanists will also use the upright Pentacle, the ankh, the swastika, and many others.  The main thing to remember is that Satanism borrows from all religious beliefs, corrupting the meanings of its sacred symbology.  It is an anti-religion and thrives on confusion of issues and symbols.  What this means to us as Witches since we use many of the same symbols is simply, we use them based on their original ancient meaning, as closely as literature and archaeology can discern.
    So, the next time you see a Pentacle, don't allow superstition to overcome you.  You now have an educated standpoint from which to make a decision as to whether it is representing something that you do not wish to submit yourself to or something positive and life-affirming.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Six-Petaled Lotus...a prayer to Lakshmi

Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage; and the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm. No goddess can teach you more about the nature of prosperity, wealth and the negative concept of poverty consciousness.
I worked with Lakshmi for 3 months and was amazed at the revelations she offers. The most important message she had to share with me is that there is no such thing as lack. Our environment, surroundings and even ourselves are only limited by our perceptions. Focus on the infinite abundance available to you, and it must manifest.
So...in honor of the gifts that Lakshmi has shared, I wrote this devotional ritual for her. I hope that you enjoy it and have the privilege of learning from this amazing goddess.

Goddess Posture

Lift your gaze to the heavens and standing in the moon goddess posture, recite:
I invoke Maha Lakshmi, who is without beginning and without end. The Eternal Goddess.
Lowering your arms to the benediction posture, recite these words as you face east bowing your head:
Benediction Posture
I bow to the Divine Goddess, who is the provider of success, intelligence and freedom and the benefactor of both worldly wealth and spiritual wealth. Her wisdom is infinite.
Facing south and again in the benediction posture with head bowed, recite:
I bow to the Ultimate Mother, who grants favors to all, who terrorizes the evil and removes all misery. Her power is limitless.
Turn to face west, still in the benediction posture with head bowed and recite:
I bow to the Great Mother, who can remove even the greatest of sins. Her mercy is unconditional.
Facing north, hands still outstretched in benediction and head bowed, recite:
I bow to the auspicious goddess of wealth, luxury, beauty, generosity and all worldly pleasures. Her abundance is boundless.
Finally, lower your hands and kneel with your head still bowed and recite:
I surrender to the Great Lakshmi, who resides in the hearts of Her devotees. Her Spirit is ever present.
Om Lakshmi. Blessed Be.

Note:  Always remember that no Hindu deity is ever called upon without first calling upon Ganesh, the elephant-headed god who is the remover of obstacles.  A simple chant can be:  Om, Ganesh.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Animal Spirit Reading...

As always, the Animal Spirits simply reaffirm the message I was trying to relay with the "Morning Devotion" post.
By reaffirming your dedication to the Goddess and the Path, you focus your day on the positive.  It's amazing how the normal stresses of your daily workload are alleviated by remembering who you are.

Wake up! Cardinal is chirping at you.  He brings a message of personal power.  Stop shrinking from your destiny.  Stop pretending that you are less than. Cardinal medicine can teach you how to manifest dreams and ideas by focusing intention where it's needed.  If you're unsure of your path, ask Cardinal to fly with you.  He will help you to understand and find your own song in life.  Are you doing what needs to be done or should be done?  Are you voicing your ideas?  When you listen to Cardinal's lessons, it’s certain he will help you focus, gain clarity, formulate a plan, become self-assured, and step out into the world with the confidence befitting a person of your power.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Morning Devotion

Every morning, on my way to work, I say my morning reaffirmation:

O Great Goddess, Mother of us all
Sole wisdom worth the winning
In Thee we find our purpose
Our end and our beginning

Sometimes I add a blessing I learned early in my practice.  It was the blessing and salutation used by Great Britain's own resident witch, Sybil Leek:

Blessed Be, O Supreme Goddess
In all thy many names and manifold attributes.

All Blessings Be.  )O(