Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today's reading...

The Wheel keeps on turning, and you have no choice but to move with it. The Wheel of Fortune indicates that your psyche, or your spirit, just won't rest. It keeps hashing and rehashing things you thought were settled. The Wheel of Fortune never ceases. If you feel like you want to get off life's Merry Go Round, there is only one way to do it ~ find sanctuary at the center, the place from which all the motion emanates. There is no way to stay on top forever~ your challenge is to learn to accept the cycles of life, including all its ups and downs.

Discontentment and boredom have closed your eyes. Curiosity and interest can awaken your sight to new possibilities. The Four of Cups points to a transitory stagnation. Your will has dissipated for a moment; your mind is distracted from its true goal. A hazy sense of disappointment and melancholy may be stifling your sense of self, and replacing it with emptiness and detachment. Open your eyes, and see the magic of your everyday life~ light your inner fire, it is only through action and movement that this stagnation will end. There may be lessons to be learned from this suspended state of animation, but dwelling on it can be worse than a waste of time.

What we achieve is a mirror image of our personality
and strength, and you are becoming progressively more aware of the part you play in the world, and it's intrinsic value. The Ace of Pentacles is the underpinning of your increasing value~ it symbolizes the Law of Attraction. You are in the process of becoming 'magnetized', and you will begin attracting more and more, until you have more abundance than you ever dreamed of. You are discovering that your soul, your awareness and your contribution to the world, is the path to fulfillment, both spiritually and physically.

Reclaiming the Power

So, Monday night was the full moon. OMG! It was so beautiful! May's Full Moon is called the Flower Moon & sometimes, the Milk Moon.

I wanted to share with you my personal ritual for "Drawing Down the Moon."

Stand, facing her, & simply gaze for a few moments. Empty your mind & just enjoy her natural beauty. When you feel that peaceful, comfortable feeling...when your mind & body are at rest & relaxed...lift your hands in the crescent shape & begin to chant this rune:

Here in this Circle of the Moon

I call the Maiden, Mother, Crone

Rounded and complete of purpose

In the fullness of your presence

Yours is Magick! Yours is Power!

Make me One with your Essence!

Keep chanting this at least 3X or until you feel the energy within you peak. Once you feel you have drawn the power of the moon within you, seal it with a final "So Mote It Be." Then touch your hands to the earth or floor, depending on where you are performing the ritual. This will serve to ground the energy & make it useful to you.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sweet Success...

This is a good spell to get that beneficial karma circulating your way. Remember, karma isn’t always about the bad stuff.
All you need is a handful of candy & a white or orange candle.
Light the candle, and place the candies in a pile on your altar or table. Make a triangle with your index finger and thumb of both hands just like in the picture, and then move your hands in a deosil (clockwise) direction over the candies while you chant:

Charmed be these treats so sweet
Great fortune to all I merry meet!

Chant until you feel the energy has peaked. Then seal it with a

“So Mote It Be!

Then give out the candies to friends and family and three people you don't know.

All Blessings Be. )O(