Friday, April 28, 2017

Today's Oracle

Today's reading is all about releasing yourself. You may be feeling that someone or something outside of yourself is restricting, limiting or otherwise holding you back. The truth is that only you can limit your life, your happiness. By not saying something, by not doing have in fact cornered yourself. Yes, we need to be responsible, but the price was never meant to be our happiness.
Take some time today and make a small step toward what you would like your life to look like. Break free from preconceived scenarios and expectations. Happiness is, after all, simply a state of mind.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Thursday, April 27, 2017

DIY Witch Ball

Witch balls were once common fixtures in Windows, especially in England during the 18th century... Although their origin is thought to be much older.
The hollow glass spheres were hung to ward off witch's spells, evil spirits, curses and bad luck.
It is believed that negative forces are mesmerised by the ball's reflective beauty then absorbed and trapped in the web like strands of glass inside the ball.
Today, the balls are difficult to find and can be quite expensive. Here is a way to make your own:
You will need a clear glass ball or Christmas ornament with an opening at one end. If the glass ball has some kind of design, choose one you like or one you can change with further decoration. He will also need a bottle of silver paint, a few drops of Frankincense or Patchouli oil, a school of red thread and a pair of scissors.
Cover your working space with newspaper to protect against spills. Take the metal cap off of the ornament. Carefully pour a little of the silver paint inside the ball and swish it around until the inside is completely covered with silver. Set it aside to dry.
When the paint is totally dry, cut the red thread into 3 inch lengths. Carefully poke This Thread into the open end of the ball. Continue cutting and putting the thread into the ball until it is nearly full. Put in a few drops of oil. Then put the end back on the ornament. If it has no end, seal it with candle wax.
When you hang the protection ball, chant:

Symbol of the Moon,
symbol of the Lady Divine,
Reject all negativity,
Defend this home,
Me and mine.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Realm of Availability

    There is one more thing I would like you to know before we move on to the actual "work" of Witchcraft.  I want you to thoroughly understand this point, since it will factor in to all of your "work."

    When you cast a spell or do a ritual, be ever mindful to work within your realm of availability.  This realm can be visualized as a sphere that encompasses your life.  Basically, it's your one little world.  Your "availability" is what you are capable of manifesting, within reason, in your world.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of you probably don't have the resources available for a second house in the Bahamas.  If you do, I'm jealous!  But I'm sure most of you do have the resources for a better home or apartment.  So, you cast the spell for a better home, you get it and your "little world" sphere just expanded.  Are you with me?
   As you work magick to transform your life in these little ways, your realm of availability grows.  Your confidence in your power to change your life will also grow along with it.  As an added benefit of working with this concept, you won't get discouraged when your "Sail Into the Sunset Yacht Spell" just didn't seem to work.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Read more in my book: Awakening the Witch

Friday, April 7, 2017

Today's Power Animal

Release your fears. Safety is an illusion. The more you love, the more love finds you.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


As you pursue your life as a Witch, you will hear, "And it harm none, do what you will." quoted often.  Unfortunately, many don't really understand what the phrase actually means.  Most read it as, "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone or anything in the process."
This is a very common misconception.  In truth, the rede actually means to find and follow your true path or destiny("do what you will"), living up to your fullest potential in this lifetime...without interfering or blocking another from doing the same("and it harm none").  It is why spells that involve manipulation of someone's free will are frowned upon. Just as I said before, there's plenty of love, money, etc to go around and no need to take away from anyone else.

Read more in my book Awakening the Witch
And visit me on Facebook

All Blessings Be. )O(

Magick: Experiment


1.  Rub your palms together very briskly for about 15 seconds.

2.  Stop and separate your palms about 6 inches from each other.

3.  Now, move them in very close together, but not touching.

4.  Then, move them out and away again.  Give this exercise a little time.

Continue to move them in and out, and you'll start to feel a pressure between your there's actually something there.

    Well, there is!  You've just created a ball of energy between your hands.

    Sometimes, if you try this in a darkened room, you can even see the energy.  You might want to try this later on.  It usually appears as blue/white light or sometimes strands of light passing from one hand to the other.  You can get creative and do this exercise with a friend.  Simply pass the ball of energy back and forth to one another.  You can also try building it; make it bigger or change its shape.  Do this exercise often.  It's a great way to practice raising energy, as well as reminding you of the power you now have available to you.

Read more in my book: Awakening the Witch