There is one more thing I would like you to know before we move on to the actual "work" of Witchcraft. I want you to thoroughly understand this point, since it will factor in to all of your "work."
When you cast a spell or do a ritual, be ever mindful to work within your realm of availability. This realm can be visualized as a sphere that encompasses your life. Basically, it's your one little world. Your "availability" is what you are capable of manifesting, within reason, in your world. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of you probably don't have the resources available for a second house in the Bahamas. If you do, I'm jealous! But I'm sure most of you do have the resources for a better home or apartment. So, you cast the spell for a better home, you get it and your "little world" sphere just expanded. Are you with me?
As you work magick to transform your life in these little ways, your realm of availability grows. Your confidence in your power to change your life will also grow along with it. As an added benefit of working with this concept, you won't get discouraged when your "Sail Into the Sunset Yacht Spell" just didn't seem to work.
All Blessings Be. )O(
Read more in my book: Awakening the Witch
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