Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another Excerpt from Awakening the Witch...the Circle Experiment


    For this exercise you will need a clean piece of paper, a pen or pencil and something you can use as a pendulum.  Anything with some weight to it will work (i.e., a key, a pendant, a necklace, a plumb).  Tie a string to it (something thin, like thread, works best), and hold it above a flat surface to make sure it's balanced well.
    On your piece of paper, draw a clockwise circle over and over again, gaining momentum each turn.  Don't worry if your circle looks sloppy.  It doesn't have any bearing on how this experiment will work.  Keep drawing your circle until you almost go through the paper.
    Once your circle has been drawn, suspend the pendulum above the center of the circle.  Now, try to move it slowly to the sides.  What you should feel when you attempt to move the pendulum outside of the circle is a definite pressure holding it back.  During my demonstrations to my students with this experiment, I have even seen the pendulum suspended at an angle, not wanting to pass the edge of the circle.

    The purpose of this experiment is to show you the power of the circle.  Imagine a larger version, using the conductive properties of salt and water combined with the bio-electric energy of your body.  If it's possible to create a boundary this simply and have it be effective, can you see how your magick circle will be able to contain the energy you raise?  How about the protective properties of the circle?  Try placing the pendulum outside the circle and moving it in through the line you've drawn.
    If you don't see results right away with this experiment, please keep trying.  I have seen even the most staid of people feel the energy differences.
    Another one you might want to try with this same experiment is to draw a pentagram in the center of the circle.  It's not necessary to try it.  I just thought it was fun to see the differences in the energy at specific points.
    Experimentation is key to Witchcraft.  It gives you proof of the power available and allows you to find the most effective methods for your practice. 

Read more in my book:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/567540

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today's Animal Spirit...Antelope

They can be swift as lightning, practically flying across the plains or they can be still as stone.  Antelope medicine teaches us strength and courage, along with adaptability.  Are you moving too quickly to see rare opportunities or are you standing still when you should be moving forward?  With their strong senses of sight and smell, Antelope can help us become more aware of opportunities and show us how to overcome any obstacles swiftly and gently.  If your own energy harmonizes with Antelope's, you have heightened psychic ability and may need to insulate yourself at times.  Heed your own instincts to know when the time is right to move.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I thought this might be a good excerpt to share from my book, since it's Tuesday which is ruled by the planet Mars.  Ares or Mars is the Greco/Roman god of war and so lends very potent and powerful energy to any protection spells.

"When should a Witch protect themselves?  AT ALL TIMES!  Here then are some more protection tidbits
  • Bells hung from the doors guard against intruders and stagnant energy.  Hang them where the air current can ring them.  They will set up movement in the air and clear the psychic debris from your home.  When I managed a new age shop, I used to use them when negative people came in the store.  It was very amusing to watch how quickly they would leave.  Not to mention, they are very good feng shui.
  •  An onion on your kitchen window will absorb ill will.  When it starts to decay, replace it and throw away the old one.  Under no circumstances should the old onion be used or eaten.
  • Salt water left out in the center of a room all night will absorb negativity.  Wash it away with flowing water the next morning.  A small dish on your nightstand has the same effect for a good night’s rest.
  • A large amethyst is powerful protection against psychic vampires.  You know who I’m talking about…those people who just seem to drain you when they’re around.
  • Healthy house plants, especially ferns and ivy, will create an aura of protective energy.  Again, another feng shui remedy.  Just be sure your children or pets can’t reach any poisonous plants.
  • Totem animal statues or pictures can be blessed and used to protect your home.
  • Native American dream catchers are also used to catch and tangle up negative energy before it has a chance to enter your dreams."
All Blessings Be.  )O(

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Witch's Pyramid

Yet another excerpt from my soon-to-be-released book...

"As I was perusing the library shelves one day, I came across numerous books on creating your life through visualization and positive thinking.  Reading through all those books, I started to realize, “O my goddess!  This is the Witch’s Pyramid!”  Here were all these new releases teaching a concept that has been passed down through generations of Witches.  My first thought was, “Foolish mortals…it’s about time.”  So, if you’ve been reading a lot of self-help and positive thinking books, you may recognize the similarity to the Witch’s Pyramid.
    I wrote it in rhyming fashion to make it easier to remember, as well as an attempt to make it fun.  Included is a more detailed description, in case the poem doesn't cut it.

The Witch’s Pyramid begins at the base.
Remember these corners, if its peak you would trace:
First, Imagination is fueled by desire,
Then ritual raises the energy higher.
Next, energy is molded and shaped by Will,
Then focused by the spell designed to fulfill.
Faith feeds desires with enthusiasm and love,
So relax, let go and be confident it will come.
But, continue in Secrecy, protect with closed mouth;
Lest the energy be weakened or scatter about.
When balanced and functioning, the Pyramid is whole;
At the top is Accomplishment of your particular goal."

Hope this inspires you to start creating the wonderful life you deserve.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The All

Here is an excerpt from my soon to be released book tentatively titled, "Awakening the Witch."  This particular passage is an introduction to the gods and goddesses of Wicca.

"Most Witches accept that there is an Ultimate Source the All, the Universal Mind, whatever you choose to call it.  It is Void, yet Everywhere; Unknowable, yet contained within all things.  The fact that the All is so abstract that we cannot understand it is exactly why we don't try to tap into it.  This then brings us to more understandable ways of tapping its power...
...Think of the All as a prism.  Have you ever seen the sun shine through a prism hanging in the window?  You see how it creates a rainbow of colors?  Those different colors are the gods and goddesses, and they're all coming from the same light.  They are simply perceived differently by their angles.  Now if you were to play a little with the prism and change its position, you would find that you can refract a certain color.  In this same manner, Witches are taught that specific gods or goddesses will focus specific energy."

Hope you enjoyed!

All Blessings Be.  )O( 

Today's Animal Spirit...

So...I asked the Animal Spirits to give me a general reading about my book that's going to be published, "Awakening the Witch."  I couldn't be happier with their response.
Hummingbird's message is quite simply that of absolute joy.  Hummingbird medicine shows us how to accomplish what seems impossible and how to bring the miracle of joy back into our lives. Their gentle spirits remind us to live in vivid color and to do so dynamically.  Hummingbird tells us to find the happiness in all things.

My First Book

I"m so excited!  I finally finished my book, submitted it to a few publishers and it's been selected.  It's taken me almost 10 yrs, but it's finally manifesting.
The book is tentatively titled, "Awakening the Witch" and contains all the information I used to teach my students in my Living Wicca class.  The opportunity to serve the Goddess in such a grand way is almost overwhelming.  For the past 25 yrs, I've learned and done alot in my life, but the Craft has been the one constant.  I most certainly would not be where I am without it.
The final copy of the manuscript, all the artwork and other stuff they needed were sent in Aug 11.  The contract gives them a year to produce it, but my publisher has told me that it is usually on the market within 6-8 wks.  Can you believe it!
I've decided to use this blog to post a few excerpts here and there, along with the usual readings and insights.

All Blessings Be.  )O(