Monday, December 23, 2013

we three kings and a witch

"Old woman, we travel to Bethlehem, the new-born child to see." "'Tis an easy sign I give you, follow that bright star, Sirs three."

"Wilt thou come with us, old woman and help us find the way?" "Nay, Sirs, I thank thee, but methinks I have much to do today."

Since then, 'tis said, at Epiphany she searches every year, for that child around Italy, among children there and here.

She hovers her flying broomstick, above the houses where they live, seeking chimneys down which to drop the gifts she has to give.

Candies for those who have been good; a lump of coal for those who have not; remembering each child on her list of gifts careful that none has been forgot.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Message Yule Love!

Today is Yule, the Winter Solstice. It is the end of the old solar year & the beginning of the new one.
Traditionally, the end of the year is a time to look back & reflect, but also a time to look ahead to the future.
It seems only fitting that we would also say goodbye to all those stressors & perceived problems experienced throughout the last year, making room for all the new & exciting things to come.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up. Giving up means admitting defeat. Instead, true surrender means releasing any attempts to force your agenda on life. It means opening yourself up to all the possibilities & potential. You will find that this form of release allows your life to flow much more easily. through you & for you.

-Purified of all my past...only love within me last-

May you have a festive & loving holiday season. )O(

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sol Invictus

As this week promises warmer weather through the weekend, I'm reminded of an invocation I learned some 30 years ago...

Immortality be upon this One
He is a sharer in the Sun's everlasting Light
This world will hold him forever

New Stonehenge?

Druids Protest Stonehenge Revamp (PHOTOS)

Today's Animal Totem

She is ferocious in her protection of her cubs, as well as her territory.
Cougar teaches us leadership through assertiveness. It is time to forget any and all criticism, because there will surely be some. Stand up and follow your truth without hesitation. You are only responsible for speaking, acting and living your own truth. How others respond to you is theirs.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


You don't need cl missed connections. Next time you think it's love at first sight, try this...


Wiccan Evolution

A very interesting article on witches and the media. #ahs #witchesoftheeastend #charmed
Druids Protest Stonehenge Revamp (PHOTOS)


Awakening the Witch on Facebook

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My book trailer on YouTube. Yay!

Monday, December 16, 2013

What a beautiful message