Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spell for a Happy Home

This is a spell I wrote many years ago and still use.  I really like the words of the spell, not to mention the effect.  It's a really great spell to use prior to a party or celebration.
All you will need is a white candle, but feel free to get creative.  I've used a huge 5 wick candle before that I painted a peaceful scene around, or you could use a beautiful crystal bowl filled with water and a floating candle.  It can be very dramatic with glitter sprinkled in the water.  Whatever you use, make sure it's something that really speaks to you.
Hold the candle to your heart, as you recite the incantation.  This transfers energy from your heart center to the candle to charge it.

Holy light to cast out ill
With love and peace this home now fill
Bring all friends together with love
And spiritual blessings from above

That's it!  Now light your candle and let the magick begin!

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Today's Animal Spirit...

Fox comes to us today with a message of being mindful of our surroundings.  He is known by the Native Americans to be a most effective shape-shifter and incredibly adaptable.  He can teach us to do the same...adapting, blending in and using our surroundings and circumstances to our advantage.  As the master of camouflage, he can teach us to be still and silent and all the qualities of patience.  By doing so, we can observe and examine our position from different angles.  Look at the picture I've included.  See how he seems to blend into the background?  He is also known to be cunning and ingenious, traits we can use to approach things in more creative ways than we normally would.  Fox reminds us that we must utilize all of our resources, seen and unseen, in order to accomplish what we want.  He inspires us to "think outside of the box" and try unorthodox methods with courage, persistence and dedication.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011...Year of the Rabbit

After going through 2010, the Year of the Tiger, this year offers a much needed reprieve.  Time to slip into a nice cozy spot and lick our wounds from all the battles we had to deal with.  I don't know about you, but I could certainly deal with a front row seat at the latest, greatest broadway production.  With champagne in hand and flowing, let's see what Mr. Rabbit has in store. Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.  It reminds me of Mad Men...good 'ol 60's diplomacy.
On the other hand, it's also a time to be wary of any overindulgence.  Rabbit's influence tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.
Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced.  No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities.  They will be too busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy.  The scene is quiet and calm, even deteriorating to the point of somnolence.  We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible.  Remember, procrastination is not your friend.
Money can be made without too much labor.  Our life style will be languid and leisurely, as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for.  A temperate year with unhurried pace.  For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.

Never underestimate rabbit, though.  He is considered by some, a trickster.  Watch for surprises, especially early summer.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Responsible Guilt

Guilt is a sort of bond which holds us back from moving on with our lives.  This is not a life-affirming feeling.  Not only can guilt play upon the mind, but it can also manifest itself physically.  All ancient healing techniques teach the correlation of spirit, mind and body.  When left unnoticed, spiritual and emotional hurts may surface as a sickness or even disease.  Much has been written regarding these manifestations.  Google "spiritual meaning of illness", and you'll see what I'm talking about.  The whole subject is very fascinating.  Modern medicine teaches us to ascertain the source of our illness, so that proper treatment can be applied.  Here, we are approaching it from a metaphysical standpoint.  For example, feeling unloved can often lead to heart problems.  Feeling as though your life is going nowhere can lead to leg or feet related issues.  There's so much more, but let's move on to what you can do now about any guilt that may have been dealt to you or even self-inflicted.
Light a white candle to signify the presence of Spirit and place it on a table in a dimly lit room.  In front of the candle, place a mirror.  Make sure the mirror is big enough that you see your whole face reflected.  As you read the incantation below, pause and think about what the words are saying. Look at your reflection.  Can you see the pain, the hurt, the isolation that this silly emotional response has created?  Now feel a total release from this bond of guilt, experience the relief, let out a big sigh and smile.
When you have finished with your cleansing, extinguish the candle and return to your normal tasks.  Don't entertain any thought of it from this moment on.

Filled with guilt but serves me nought
The heart aches what hands have wrought
The deed is done with great remorse
But hearts erred not from the original source
So with love and joy now be replaced
And let old patterns be erased
From soul and mind, from heart and spleen
Be washed.  Be Free.  Be clean.  Be clean.
Purified of all my past, only love within me last.

Note:  The last line, "Purified of all..." can be used whenever you feel a need to clear any emotional baggage.  Simply chant the whole last line over and over, until you feel released.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Sunday, January 9, 2011


This was one of the very first articles I ever posted on my blog.  As I was rereading it, it seemed to have a message for today.  So, here it is again...

Her breath is still. The night is still. The forces of life wait expectantly, and suddenly the light returns to flood the room-the priestess of the Moon cries out to the primordial mother, to whom she was bequeathed before the dawn of time.The mother answers with the heartbeat of a thousand million lives and acknowledges her daughter, sister, self. They fuse and are one...was it ever any other way.

The cycle is complete, and the priestess of the Moon is assured. The magick of her fingers will soothe where they lay, and the magick of her voice will heal where it is heard, the magick of her eyes will light the Earth, and all things will grow where'ere she looks upon them.The Way of the Goddess will continue, though to most her name is unknown. As long as even one remembers, will the knowledge proceed and the Earth be sustained.

Though the foolish fear what they don't understand, the magick goes on and the secret survives, for the priestess of the Moon is Witch, and what she represents is at one with what's living, and all that she is will continue...for without her the Earth would weep and the night would never understand and so would cease to be. She is the spiral of life...the oceans, the rivers, the falling of the dew, the changing of the seasons. She is the corn at harvest and the birth of birds. She is the wind on the mountain and the spider's web at dawn.

All things of beauty are the name that she summons, for she is the mirror of the Goddess that is life, and the mother of all living things.If she could not continue, or was the last of all, then all hope would cease to be.

All Blessings Be. )O(

Today's Animal Spirit...

Playful Seal wobbles into our reading today, coincidentally a day of relaxation for most.  He's barking at us, telling us to get rid of that silly self-consciousness we hang on to all week.
It's time to let go of the self-restraint, let your hair down, go wild!  Apparently, our inner children need some attention.  lol
Seal's medicine is all about playfulness, but more importantly, creative expression.  The message here is one of absolute release.  Forget all those thoughts of whether you see yourself as creative, and just let go.  Whether it's dancing around the living room, singing at the top of your lungs, painting, drawing, writing or any other path...go with it.  Let it out!
The need to be creative is expressed within all of us, in one way or another.  So, just for today...surrender to that imaginative impulse, feel it in all its depth and many dimensions, and then throw yourself into it.  And if you happen to have a playmate, by all means, engage them as well.  Here's to stepping outside of the box!  Cheers!

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Today's Message...

You're being asked to reexamine your intentions today.  What is the real reason you want to reach your goal?  Are you being driven by your true destiny, or lured by fantasy and desires of the ego?  It's time to be very clear about your direction and know that there's no easier way or shortcut.
It appears as though you are limiting and thwarting the outcome of your desires by over-analyzing and thinking too much.  It's important to allow Spirit to decide "how" a situation will resolve.  We may think that there are only specific ways to arrive at our desired outcome, but there are unimaginable permutations contained within the infinite universe.  Remember the old saying, "Let go, let God?"  Well, that's exactly what's being said in this message.  Set your sights on your highest good, and allow the flow of universal energies to take you where you need to be.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Friday, January 7, 2011

Today's Animal Spirit...

Today appears to be a day of scrambling.  I think of the poor office personnel running about trying to tie up loose ends for the weekend, so they can start fresh on Monday.  Or the poor mother trying to prepare for the weekend trip to see the grandparents...laundry, laundry, laundry.  lol  Well, the animal spirits have some wisdom to share that may very well prove valuable to you today.
Monkey came to me this morning chattering about adaptability, cleverness and dexterity.  I told him I totally appreciated the Master Multitasker that he is.
The medicine that monkey offers is quick anticipation as you move through the jungle.  Somehow, he always knows which branch or vine to grab hold of as he flies swiftly through the trees covering great distances within minutes.  It's pretty amazing, huh?
No matter where you find yourself today, you have to be able to adjust to your circumstances, take it all in, and come up with creative solutions or ideas and act on them.  Whatever you do, you can't get rigid once you've chosen a direction.  New factors are going to be constantly coming into play, so you will need to adjust your course of action again.  Sounds kind of tough, I know.  Don't get discouraged.  We all have an innate ability to move through life seamlessly, even if we're not aware of it.
Once your day is done, you will be able to look back and see that every action and reaction was timely and purposeful.
In addition, Monkey is said to be able to converse with nature spirits, faeries and magickal folk.  The message here is to communicate wisely.  Ask lots of questions.  New information may give you the slight change in your course of action necessary to bring you to the perfect choices.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Love Like a Rock...

For those of you looking for love in 2011, I decided to give you a few little known tips on how to get the universal energies on your side.  The most important factor when utilizing nature's gifts is to understand how and why they work.
First off, most people are aware of the benefits of rose quartz for bringing love to you.  Yes, this is true, but how?  The primary purpose of rose quartz energy is to encourage higher self-esteem, love for oneself.  This creates around you an aura of confidence, which is especially attractive.  One rarely used stone for love is smoky quartz.  If you feel that you may have more issues blocking you from finding love, other than self-esteem, you need this stone.  It's vibrations will help you to remove blocks that may be limiting your chances.
Rose quartz tends to bring more deep and abiding love, friendship, if you will.  Carrying or using more stones will give you a better chance at that magickal romance you desire.  For instance, you could use carnelian or red coral for the sensual/sexual part of your relationship.  You can use amber, especially green amber, if you desire a spiritual union.  An emerald will bring you an equal partnership and all stones are amplified by clear quartz.
Now for the best way to energize your stones is to place them in front of a group of red, green, orange, and white candles.  Red is for love, lust, and sensuality.  Green is also for love, but more romantic, as well as the color associated with the heart center(chakra).  Orange is for drawing desires to you...attraction.  White is for the spiritual side of love and can be used to substitute any other color.  Use the really small candles and let them burn all the way down.
Carry your newly charged stones with you or place them on your bedside table.  And enjoy all the dating opportunities that begin to arise.  There's of course, many other correspondences you could use to help your wish along.  Too much, in fact, for this little blog.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  I'm more than happy to help anyone who desires true love in their lives.

All Blessings Be.  )O(

Truly Independent

So I decided to pull from my new deck, Goddess of the New Light.  I asked what message Spirit had for my readers, what did they need to focus on at this time in their lives.
Mary Magdalene was the card I pulled.  Jesus called her, "the one who knew the All."  New evidence has been emerging to suggest that Jesus shared more with her because of his love for her.  If you have the time, google the teachings of Mary Magdalene.  They're quite remarkable.
Her message to us today is one of unconditional love.  Be true to yourself and your path by living fully, sensually, and unconditionally in divine love.
For two thousand years, she was viewed as a sinner(prostitute), yet she was loved and honored by Jesus.  Time and custom can change public perception, but the kind heart and loving soul dwells forever in paradise.
I think the real message is for us to refuse and deny judgement from others, but more importantly, from ourselves.  Your path is yours alone and no one person's will be the same.  Eliminate judgement on all levels, and start to live a more authentic life.

An accompanying affirmation:  I am beloved of the divine.

All Blessings Be.  )O(